Our projects
Previous experience
33/220kV Victorian Big Battery (VBB) Connection | 2 x 80MVA | Mondo (VIC) | Program Management
33/220kV Berrybank Substation | 2 x 80MVA | TransGrid (VIC) | Project Management
33/220kV Murra Warra Terminal Station | 2 x 255MVA | AusNet (VIC) | EPC | Project Management
33/220kV Bulgana Terminal Station | 2 x 215MVA | Neoen (VIC) | Superintendent (acting)
132kV Transmission Line | Fortescue Metals Group | Project Management
66/22kV MAT Zone Substation | 3 x 30MVA | Melbourne Airport (VIC) | Project Management
66/11kV Frances Bay Zone Substation | 2 x 30MVA | Power and Water (NT) | Project management, Detailed Design
66/11kV Mary River Zone Substation | 10MVA | Power and Water (NT) | Detailed Design
33/66kV Numurkah Terminal Substation | 2 x 120MVA | Neoen (VIC) | Project Management
11kV Darwin CBD Switching Stations | 4x 11kV Stations | Power and Water (NT) | Detailed Design
22kV Darwin CBD Express Feeders | Upgrade works | Power and Water (NT) | Detailed Design
Surrey Hills Traction Substation | Rail infrastructure | MTM (VIC) | Project Director (design)
Yarra Trams Traction Substations | Rail infrastructure | Siemens-Zinfra (VIC) | Project Management
Winneke Solar | 12.4MW Tracking | Melbourne Water (VIC) | Functional Design
ETP Solar | 19MW Tracking | Melbourne Water (VIC) | Functional Design
Agility Solar | 1.6MW Rooftop | Melbourne Airport (VIC) | D&C specification
Kings Canyon | 500kW | Power and Water (NT) | Audit and Valuation
High Voltage Guidelines | Client Standard | Melbourne Airport (VIC) | Specifier
Energy Control Management System | Client Standard | Melbourne Airport (VIC) | Specifier
Substations SUB 17 / 18 / 19 | HV infrastructure, airside | Melbourne Airport (VIC) | Detailed Design
ATSC Substations | HV infrastructure, airside | Melbourne Airport (VIC) | Detailed Design
Wave Park Substations | HV infrastructure, landside | Melbourne Airport (VIC) | Detailed Design
Substation SUB 42 | HV/LV infrastructure, airside | Melbourne Airport (VIC) | Detailed Design
Feeders A / B / G / H / E relocation | HV infrastructure | Melbourne Airport (VIC) | Project Management
Larkana International Airport | D&C Electrical works | Bouygues Construction (CY) | Project Management
Control Tower North | HV infrastructure | Paris Airports (FR) | Detailed Design
Air Traffic Control Center | HV infrastructure | Paris Airport (FR) | Detailed Design
Flywheel power station | 4 x 1600kVA No-Break | Paris Airport (FR) | Project Management
Energy Center Upgrade | HV/LV infrastructure, 24 x 1250kVA | Paris Airports (FR) | Detailed Design
Landside HV infrastructure | HV substations, 4 x 1250kVA | Paris Airports (FR) | Detailed Design
Site Wide Reticulation Reconfiguration | HV infrastructure | Toyota (VIC) | Detailed Design
Wadeye Power Station | Prime power, 4 x Cummins, Gas | Power and Water (NT) | Detailed Design
Cogeneration Power Stations | 10 x Caterpillar, Heat recovery + CO2 | Caterpillar (FR) | Project Engineer
Standby Generator | 2 x Caterpillar, Diesel | Paris Airports (FR) | Detailed Design
Standby Generators | 8 x Cummins, Diesel | Larkana Airport (CY) | Project Management
Standby Generators | 2 x MTU, Diesel | Ashgabat Convention Center (TKM) | Project Management
Generators Upgrade | Voltage Regulation, 2 x Pielstick 7MA| Paris Airports (FR) | Detailed Design
Ashgabat Convention Centre | D&C Electrical works | Bouygues Construction (TKM) | Project Management
Territory Generation | Assets Valuation | Power and Water (NT) | Valuer
Remote Operations | Assets Valuation | Power and Water (NT) | Valuer